УДК 321.015
Панкевич Н.В.
Центральность государства в мировом политическом пространстве: след пандемии // Вестник Томского университета. Философия. Социология. Политология. 2024. № 78. С. 215-226. DOI: 10.17223/1998863X/78/18.
список ВАК
Рассмотрены пространственные импликации пандемии на архитектуру управления на международном и внутригосударственном уровнях. Предпринят анализ организационных реакций государств, включая Россию, в области территориализации и деволюции полномочий, в том числе чрезвычайного характера, и их нормативного закрепления. Показано, что совокупный эффект этих действий способствует восстановлению государством своей центральности в мировой политической системе. пандемия, национальное государство, суверенитет, деволюция, распределение полномочий
The article considers the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the spatial structure of the global political space. To the date, political theory in this field was dominated by the idea of the nation state gradual demise in favour of international and global regimes. The article provides empirical evidence questioning this thesis at the international and domestic levels. It discovers omnipresent collisions between the demand for a global comprehensive response to the pandemic challenge and the materiality of state-driven practices of spatial control over security competencies, territorialization industries within state domains, territorial control over population, which bring the states back into the centre of the political structure in the international arena. The article further investigates the processes of emergency power-sharing at the sub-national level. It shows that the transfer of powers (devolution) to the regional and municipal level has become a representative global trend within the pandemic. Due to this empowerment regions and municipalities get the possibility to implement both pragmatic and political agendas. Yet the political programmes stay reserved and only in rare cases provide for increasing regional political autonomy within the pandemic. The relevant experience in the Russian Federation is analyzed, it is shown that the regional variation in the response to the crisis did not lead to the politicization of the transfer of powers to the regions. The factors are identified that made it possible to avoid politicization of this process: the lack of regional legitimacy to cope with the pandemic and the lack of popular support, infrastructural and financial deficits at regional and municipal levels. In this vein, the article proposes that powers be transferred to the subnational level endorsed for the concentration of political leadership at the level of nation states. It posits that the principal organizational trace of the pandemic is the regaining of the nation states' centrality.
pandemic, political space, nation state, subsidiarity, distribution of powers
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