УДК 343.611

Корсаков К.В.
Убийство по мотиву кровной мести: особенности субъекта преступления // Вестник Томского государственного университета. 2021. № 468. С. 253-258. DOI: 10.17223/15617793/468/29.
WoS  РИНЦ  список ВАК 

Предпринята попытка разрешения проблем, возникающих при применении п. «е.1» ч. 2 ст. 105 УК РФ, которые появились с момента вступления в силу УК РФ 1996 г. и имеют место до сих пор. Произведен анализ подходов к имеющему важное квалификационное значение виду субъекта убийства по мотиву кровной мести, на основании которого предложен и обоснован единообразный подход к определению субъекта убийства по мотиву кровной мести, способный упорядочить правоприменительную практику.

This article focuses on the resolution of issues and difficulties legal professionals encounter when qualifying criminal acts under item e.1 of part 2 of article 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (item e.1). The issues and difficulties appeared when the 1996 Criminal Code entered into force and still exist. They are associated with the absence of a legal definition of blood feud in the text of the Criminal Code and other federal statutes, and also with the fact that Decision No. 1 of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, "On Judicial Practice in Murder Cases", of 27 January 1999, both in the previous and in the current versions, does not contain any comments and clarifications on the characteristics of item e.1. The greatest difficulties in investigative and judicial practice appear when determining the subject of the given crime. For a long time, the question of what kind of subject of the crime - general or special - is the subject of the crime envisaged in item e.1 (formerly item k of article 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR) continues to be controversial and open in the Russian criminal law theory. The author of the article has made a comprehensive critical analysis of the points of view, opinions, and approaches available in the criminal law doctrine regarding the definition of the type of subject in item e.1 - murder motivated by blood feud; this has an important qualification value and directly affects the legal assessment of the criminal act provided for in this item. The article presents and examines the doctrinal provisions, court decisions, and norms of criminal law in terms of determining the type of subject of murder motivated by blood feud. The author proposed, explained, and scientifically substantiated a uniform approach to the definition of the subject in item e.1; this approach can order the Russian law enforcement practice and resolve all the problems. The author also formulated conclusions supported by arguments and reasons. The conclusions confirm the correctness of the scientific and legal approach, according to which the subject of the crime envisaged in item e.1 is special and should belong to a group of population which cultivates the custom of blood feud.

убийство по мотиву кровной мести; обычай кровной мести; п. «е.1» ч. 2 ст. 105 УК РФ; преступления против жизни; субъект преступления; квалификация преступлений
murder motivated by blood feud; custom of blood feud; Item e.1 of Part 2 of Article 105 of RF Criminal Code; crimes against life; subject of crime; qualification of crimes

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